In the last hundred years, we have lost almost all of our Alpine breeds of pigs. Only in northern Italy some relic stocks remained until recently. Pig keeping has not stopped - today pigs are taken on Alps with cows to use the whey - but the pasturing of pigs has changed radically. Why?
Conclusion: The modern animals will still continue to be sporadically taken for use of whey on the cow alps, but there are usually only kept inside and fed on additional cereals. They no longer have much in common with the original, extensively grazed pigs in the Alps.
In some places, tests are performed with wooly pigs which are not susceptible to sunburn. Wooly pigs are, however, lowland animals. Although they can be kept extensively they are not really suitable for mountains. Because of their morphology and properties, they provide only a partial solution.
pigmented animal freewheel
not pigmented animal in stabling
The previous Alpine pig breeds were dark in colour, had a dense bristle dress and a thicker skin. They were thus sunburn resistant and particularly adapted to the extreme weather conditions in the mountains. As extensively held grazing pigs they adapted to life on mountain pastures. The old breeds were not only whey users, but also ate the roughage on inferior pastures. They represented a cultural good and also had an immense importance for the economy and ecology of the Alps.