Valtellina SchauRotschecke linksBlack Alpine Pig
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Alpine terroir from Pro Patrimonio Montano, manufactory for mountain delights

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=> From certified breeding <=

The providers marked with the adjacent label on the farm or enterprise pages are certified
(note expiry date).
They supply products that are traded in a higher price segment, but meet the highest quality and palate demands.


Products from extensive free-range farming, traditionally prepared, with above-average taste and from the region have a future. Since Alpine pigs are constantly on the move, they deposit fat in the muscles, which gives them fine-grained, marbled meat and thus a good taste. The customer no longer wants products from animals that grow to slaughter weight in record time, but slowly developed meat that has already matured in the body. Alpine pigs deliver this, but they need two to three times longer to reach slaughter maturity than modern performance breeds. For this, the breeders have to be compensated with a higher price.
=> Link to the label for Black Alpine pigs


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