Black Alpine Pig

Historic sources

  • Anderegg Felix, 1898: Illustriertes Lehrbuch für die gesamte Schweizerische Alpwirtschaft
  • Cassella P., Cassella O. 1880: Manuale pratico per lo allevamento del maiale
  • Jaritz Günter, Salzburg 2014: Seltene Nutztiere der Alpen - 7000 Jahre geprägte Kulturlandschaft
  • Mascheroni Ettore, Torino 1927: Zootecnia speciale, III. Suini
  • Nehring Alfred, Berlin 1886, Katalog der Säugetiere, p. 57-59
  • Staffe Adolf, 1913: Verbreitung des schwarzen Landschweines der südlichen Ostalpen
  • Steinmüller Johann Rudolf: Naturgeschichte des gemeinen Schweines und der verschiedenen Racen der Schweiz; Neue Alpina, 1827
  • Sturzenegger Robert, 1917, Inaugural-Dissertation "Die Schweinezucht der Schweiz"

Old pictures and postcards of Alpine pig breeds from different regions

Courtyard at Gruyeres, Canton of Friborg

Chateau d Oex
Alpine pigs at Château-d'Oex 1922, canton of Vaud

Red Alpine pigs 1905 on the Anzeindaz Alp, Gryon VD (Archive Dominik Flammer)

Val de Bagnes
Val-de-Bagnes, Canton of Valais, late 30s (cc. D.Michaud)

Mediathek VS
Pig market in Valais with new and old pig breeds
(from Médiatheque Valaisanne, cc. Dominik Flammer)

Alpine pigs near Zermatt, Valais

Alp at Oeschinensee, Kandersteg, Bernese Oberland

Valley of Erstfeld, canton Uri (circa 1900)

Appenzeller 1904
Sow in Appenzell 1904 - high legged, but light colour

tessiner schwein
Ticino pig "la nostra" (≈ 1950), probably not purebred anymore

Rotes Buendneroberlander 1Blenio pig from Ticino, or red pig, Grison Oberland (CH), 1964 near Vals (cc J.P. Müller)

Schweinefütterung in Fasons/Prättigau GR, 1925(Bündner- ) Veltlinerschwein im Val Malenco
Pig feeding at Fasons (Grison CH), 1925 I(left); Valtellina or Grison type pig in Val Malenco (IT) (right)

Alp Curtginatsch Alp Curtginatsch above Wergenstein, the Grisons, around 1930 (cc. Beverin Nature Park)

Tamboalp 1907
Postcard from the Tambo-Alp above Splügen, dated 8 July 1907

Val di Lei
Val di Lei before 1960 (from private archive, video editing)

Alpine pigs with Large White boar for crossbreeding on an alp in the
Aosta Valley, Italy (cc. Michele Corti)

Fresco klein
Fresco in Palazzo Vertemate at Piuro near Chiavenna (Valtellina, Italy). It shows
Black Alpine Pigs before 1618. One of the oldest testimonies (cc. D.Flammer).

Mello 1962Val di Mello, Valtellina, 1962

MacellazioneSlaughtering at Samolaco, Valchiavenna (IT)GrosioPorker market, Grosio Valtellina (IT), 1930

Mostra 1934Exhibition of breeding pigs at Grosio (IT), 1934 (ccTramanzoli)

Val Seriana
Val Seriana BG (cc Bergamini)

Altarbild 1878 in Kirche St Remigius in Eyrs Vinschgau web
Altarpiece in 1878 in St-Remigius church in Eyrs-Vinschgau

Alto Adige SauSpotted (and black) pig of South Tyrol, Val Ultimo (IT)TrevisoS. Polo di Piave, Treviso, Veneto (IT)TezzeTezze, Valsugana, Trentino (IT)

Friulana Nera
Friulana Nera, Fagagna, around 1955 (last animals until 1982)

PustertalKelchsau, Brixental, Tyrol (AT), 1950 (cc Köxa)

Maria Saalsow at Maria Saal, Carinthia (AT)Eber Saalboar at Maria Saal, Carinthia (AT)PinzgauerPinzgau landrace (AT) 1947 (cc Jaritz)

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