Heinrich Dosser, Hofkäserei Boarbichel, Oberfall 32, I-39017 Schenna (BZ)
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Martin Lintner, Via Muster 8, 39054 Ritten (BZ)
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Dr. Kurt Kußtatscher, Afingerweg 40, I-39050 Jenesien / San Genesio
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Donation account: Assoc. Pro Patrimonio Montano South-Tyrol
Grafenweg 1 (Eva Pramstrahler)
I-39050 Völs am Schlern (BZ), Italy
Raiffeisenkasse Schlern-Rosengarten:
Pro Patrimonio Montano Suedtirol
IBAN: IT86 O 080 6558 3900 0030 4249 658
All participants in the project are volunteers. Nevertheless always small and large expenses fall on. We are therefor delighted about every contribution. These are tax deductible in Switzerland and soon also in Italy.
Thanks for your contribution on one of the follwing bank account:
Alpine Network Pro Patrimonio Montano
Schneebergstr. 17, CH-9000 St.Gallen, Schweiz
Account in CHF, Switzerland
Swiss Postfinance, BIC: POFICHBEXXX
IBAN: CH38 0900 0000 8956 7476 4